In an extraordinary world, where animals, human beings and dinosaurs live all together, Nino - a tirannosaurus rex - is the biggest bully. He spends his days scaring the ones who live in the village, especially the tender and affectionate «tribe of hugs».
Nino is terrible, but if we observe him well, we can see that he is not so bad as it seems. He is only angry and envious for never having received a warm and loving embrace. One day, a child decides to face the dinosaur and even... hug him.
A simple story about the rancor born of loneliness and a severe past, where you discover that through dialogue and mutual knowledge even the most convinced villain can understand that building is more beautiful than destroying.
«It's a story about the excluded society that sees the Other as an enemy and transforms the diversity into a monster to be afraid of. [...] It's the story of self-labelling (sociological theory of deviance), where the assignment of the label of "hooligan", "bully" or "monster", produces in Nino the belief of being a real villain, a chronic bully: the disillusionment and stigmatization of the community, affect the perception of self, convincing him that he is really "bad", leading him to isolation and social exclusion». (Francesco Pierri)
The relationship between Nino and Andrea reveals the centrality of dialogue, mutual knowledge and the ability to communicate.