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Medioevo. Altri sguardi, nuovi racconti. (The Middle Ages. Other Views, New Stories

Medioevo. Altri sguardi, nuovi racconti

During the Middle Ages, women were not on the battlefield, and this made them less visible in a time marked by wars that lasted houndred years. Stories of the time tell about achievements of kings, emperors, saints, popes and warriors, like their actions were the only ones to matter in human history and to be fundamental so as to be told in literature. So, if you want to be a part of History, do you need to get involved into epochal battles? Fortunately not.
In these pages you can find the gestures of known – as well as unknown – men and women: the queen of the Lombards Theodelinda, the historian Paolo Diacono, the warrior Joan of Arc, the theologian Catherina of Siena and so on. New stories that portray a multifaceted History.

Inside the book: glossary and QR CODE from which you can download educational equipment and further information for teachers and educators.

The series «Storie nella Storia», edited by SIS – Italian Association of Women Historians– proposes to boys and girls a new way of learning History, where gestures of women and men are considered together, to give value to relations and differences, and to contribute to the building of a better common world.
