Age range:
+ 8
24,5 x 26 cm
€ 14,50
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Le civiltà dei fiumi. Altri sguardi, nuovi orizzonti. (The River Valley Civilization. Other Views, New Stories)

Le civiltà dei fiumi. Altri sguardi, nuovi racconti

The invention of writing marks the passage from Prehistory to History. Unfortunately the human history is often told from the men perspective. There are no information about women and children. However everyone has left few traces and we need to find them! Who better than Agatha Christie, writer, expert researcher of mystery and archaeologist, to lead us into this time-travel? On her board we will surf on the waves of ancient river civilizations, we are going from Mesopotamia to India, crossing Egypt and Cina, observing through other points of view, in search of new stories.
A new history to weave men and women lives to improve relationships in order to create a better common world.

The series “Storie nella Storia”, edited by SIS – Italian Association of Women Historians– proposes boys and girls a new teaching of history, able to weave together the events of women and men, to give value to relations and differences, and to contribute to the building of a better common world.

Inside the book: glossary and QR CODE from which downloading educational equipment and further informations for teachers and educators.

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