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Lessico familiare. Per un dizionario ragionato della violenza contro le donne. (Family Sayings. For a Critical Dictionary of Violence against Women)

Lessico familiare. Per un dizionario ragionato della violenza contro le donne

This book is conceived to shed light on a very topical but still little known subject, addressed not only to the general public but also to the specialist one. It aims to map language, categories of thought, theoretical and cultural references we are used to or raised with, national and international data and sources. It represents a working tool, useful for students, teachers, operators in anti-violence centres, educators, social/cultural/health workers, policemen, doctors, lawyers, journalists, and all the professional figures working in this sector.
This book, designed to provide simple answers to complex questions, is a valuable instrument for those who want to approach these issues in any context of social and professional life. For this reason, the text presents dictionary items, with brief explanations linked to references and bibliographies.

Three generations of women involved in the struggle against the patriarchal culture through active and theoretical commitment. This book raised from the desire to participate to a cultural change.
Our common aim can be summed up precisely in this struggle: the right of women to live without violence and oppression.

Anna Pramstrahler, Anti-violence centre, Bologna